Hayden Panettiere threatened to “kill” a staffer from Us Weekly over something she wrote about her in a recent issue. Just when it looked like Hayden was about to pull a Sylar on said reporter’s skull, her quick-thinking publicist grabbed her and scolded, “Not on the red carpet.” It was a classic Hollywood moment — and one I predict will be streaming all over the Internet by week’s end.
Another thing streaming all over the internet: urine! No, just kidding. Maybe. But it has been widely speculated that Hayden has been hooking up with much-older Heroes costar, the stroke-mouthed Milo Ventimiglia, although their respective reps assert that they're "just friends". However, at a post-Emmys party in L.A. on Sunday, they were caught whispering, grinding, dancing, and nuzzling like a couple of damn horses
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hCdonsJAGA
She's 18. He's 30. Aside from their jobs, what could these two possibly have in common? What do you think they're talking about here? Milo's probably whispering, "This song is so awesome. Duran Duran was the first cassingle I ever bought." And Hayden's saying, "Cassingle? What's a Duran Duran? The first CD I bought was Christina Aguilera when I was in middle school four years ago. Iphone Misshapes Louis Vuitton MySpace!!!!!"
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