Saturday 17 November 2007

That Hayden Girl Is A Wanted Troll

Hayden Pantaloonies or whatever the hell her name is told E! News last night that there's a warrant out for her arrest in Japan. Last month, 18-year-old Hayden along with other activists paddled out to sea to protest the slaughter of poor, innocent dolphins and whales by fishermen.

After the protest Hayden immediately went to the airport and left the country.

The fishermen say dolphin hunting is a national custom there and Hayden and the others have no business interfering.

She said, "I learned that they have an arrest warrant out for me in Japan. We just found out." She said she faces jail time, but doubts that will happen.

Quick! Alert Japan and tell them we've got their troll. They can find her at the home of the Toll House elves hiding out with the Olsens and Jermaine Dupri!

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