Thursday, 1 November 2007

Hayden Panettiere Breaks Down In Tears.

Most of us weren’t very sympathetic towards Heather Mills’ tearful interview yesterday on GMTV, but I have a feeling that Hayden Pantettiere’s sobbing will be better received.

The Heroes star participated with fellow actresses Isabel Lucas and Hannah Fraser in a protest with other anti-whaling activists in Tigi. Hayden paddled out on a surfboard with 30 other activists in an attempt to reach a pod of dolphins who were being chased into the area to be slaughtered. The Japanese whalers foiled their rescue efforts by blocking them with their propellers, but Panettiere still got a chance to speak about the horror of the event.

Dolphins and whales are probably one of the friendliest animals on the face of the planet,” she told Sky News. “It was really frightening. Some of us were hit by the boat hook. But in the end, all we were really worried about was the dolphins. It was incredibly sad. We were so close to them.”

I love it when actresses and actors get ecologically-minded. This is fantastic—maybe Hayden’s words will spur some additional action and outreach!


Tom said...

Oh Hayden Planeteer, you are so hot right now!

Hayley. said...

haha isnt she