In a moving mid-afternoon ritual under grey rainy skies, with local Taiji fishermen and police scrutinizing the group, Rastovich formed the surfers in a circle over the placid waters of the small scenic cove and asked each to say a small prayer of remembrance for their fellow waveriders. An estimated 25,000 dolphins and porpoises each year are slaughtered by Japanese fishermen, either harvested for their meat in annual drives or captured for sale to marine and captive swim parks.
The Taiji fishermen, who defend the kills as part of their traditional fishing culture, had planned to stop the ceremony through force and police arrest. The possibility of a locally led resistance was averted by a dramatic last-minute turnaround. Rastovich was able to broker a meeting with area locals less than 12 hours before the paddle-out crew arrived unannounced at the killing cove. (Source)
Just once in my life I’d like to do my part for marine conservation without being hassled by a locally led resistance. And I know my outward appearance can be pretty intimidating what with the abs and biceps and whatnot, but I’m just there to help the dolphins, not to cause trouble . . . to be truthful though, sometimes I curse my empathetic nature and can-do spirit but, dammit, if not me then who else? With that said, I gotta wrap things up early today. The soup kitchen opens pretty soon (I like to be first in line) and I still have to drop off all these bottles I collected at the annual neighborhood recycling drive.