Friday 21 September 2007

Hayden See's Red On Carpet.

On Heroes, she can suffer any amount of damage and walk away smiling.
But it remains to be seen if butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth teen Hayden Panettiere can bounce back from a red carpet outburst at a journalist.
The star of the Channel 7 hit, reportedly incensed by a story in a recent issue, threatened to "kill" the writer in a head-turning outburst at the Emmys.
Only the actions of her quick-thinking publicist stopped the fuming Panettiere from going further.
"Not on the red carpet," the publicist said to Panettiere, before leading her elsewhere.
Bitchy celebrity blogger Perez Hilton hit out against the young star.
"We told you that Hayden was going to be the next Lohan, and now she's well on her way," he wrote.
Perhaps it was a Us Weekly report about Panettiere's love life that had her out of sorts.
It said she was back on the market after splitting with her boyfriend of one year, Laguna Beach co-star Stephen Colletti, 21.
"But the actress (who spent the end of August promoting Heroes in Europe with co-stars Milo Ventimiglia and Adrian Pasdar) seems to have moved on," the mag reported.
"When Us asked, 'Where's Stephen?' at the MTV Video Music Awards on September 9, she furrowed her brow and replied: 'I don't know. In California?'
"Maybe it's because she had time to adjust to the relationship being over. "
As a source tells Us, 'Their break-up has been a long time coming.' But that doesn't mean the former sweethearts are feuding.
"Panettiere tells Us, 'We are still very close friends and talk to each other frequently. We appreciate and support each other's careers'."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.